Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?

17 August 2022 0 By Bear

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?

A giraffe is a very beautiful animal with a long neck. No doubt, you may need to raise your head slightly to see their faces. But did you know that a mother giraffe kicks her newborn offspring immediately after birth? Perhaps you are feeling very strange and wondering why a mother would kick her newborn infant, but it is absolutely true that a mother giraffe kicks her newborn offspring immediately after birth. But the question remains the same “why?” A mother giraffe kicks her offspring immediately after birth?

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?

The birth story of a baby giraffe is a very surprising event. A baby giraffe falls from its mother’s womb about 8 feet above the ground. What are you thinking? Don’t worry, the baby giraffe is safe. But this little life is shriveling up and lay still, too weak to move. At this moment, the little and beautiful soul has a lot more requirements for the help of the mother. The mother giraffe lovingly lowers her neck to smooch her baby.

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?
Image from Pixabay|Image by anujohanna

But wait a minute! OMG! What is this? The mother giraffe kicks the offspring by lifting her long legs. Because of the kick, the baby giraffe is flying up in the air and tumbling down to the ground. This offspring trembles and tries to stand up, but the mother giraffe kicks once again. This process continues until the baby giraffe can stand properly. This time, the baby giraffe stands on its feet in some way. Seeing this, the mother giraffe is happy. She comes over and kicks her baby once again. The baby giraffe falls one more time, but this time, the baby giraffe quickly recovers and stands up. Mother Giraffe is delighted to see this.

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?

But the question still remains, why does the mother giraffe do this? Friends, you might find this incident strange or unusual. But in reality, the mother giraffe knows that her offspring have learned an important lesson that will be useful to her offspring, for the rest of the life. Mother Giraffe believes no matter in which circumstances and how you have fallen. The important thing is to always lift yourself and get back on your feet. Mother Giraffe is well aware that animals such as lions, leopards, hunting dogs, and hyenas love giraffe flesh. So, unless a baby giraffe quickly learns to stand and run with the pack, there are no chances of survival. In the forest, a single minor mistake can take your breath away.

Why does a Mother giraffe kick her infant offspring immediately after birth?
Image from Pixabay |Image by ramalholore

Friends, the mother giraffe gives us a lesson along with her baby. It doesn’t matter what situation and circumstances you have in your life, even after falling, you have to quickly stand up and walk again to achieve success. Through our hard work and your immense efforts, we have to conquer success.

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