Why do elephants have so big ears?

Why do elephants have so big ears?

17 August 2022 0 By Bear

Why do elephants have so big ears?

An elephant is a magnificent beast and one of the behemoth mammals on earth. When a person thinks about an elephant, they mainly focus on its trunk, ivory, and huge floppy ears. These gigantic ears are the biggest ears in the entire animal kingdom. But, have you ever wondered why elephants have such enormous ears? Does an elephant really need these huge floppy ears?

Why do elephants have so big ears?

The ears of an African elephant are enormous. Each ear measures around six feet from top to bottom and five feet across. A single ear can weigh up to a hundred pounds. While Asian elephants dwell in the woods, they do not have to face harsh temperatures like their African cousins. As a result, the ears of Asian elephants are slightly smaller than those of African elephants, sized up to 5 feet.

Why do elephants have so big ears?
Image from Pixabay | Image by Nel Botha

I’m sure a lot of questions have resided in your mind. Perhaps you’re assuming that having large ears implies there must be sensitive hearing. But this doesn’t always happen. Their ears are not only designed to hear but also play a crucial role in their survival. In fact, there are several compelling reasons to sit behind.

1. Acts as an Air Conditioner

Why do elephants have so big ears?

Elephants are enormous in size and can weigh a range of 5,000 pounds to 13,000 pounds, which means a lot of heat production in their bodies. However, an elephant usually lives in very hot climates, and apart from that, they don’t have many sweat glands. That’s why it is very important to have some simple way to get rid of body heat. Luckily, elephants have big floppy ears. There are tinny blood vessels net inside their ears, and the skin is thin, which is close to the surface of the blood vessels. When the temperature of an elephant’s blood rises above the surrounding air, the heat released through their huge floppy ears.

2. Works as a Giant Fan

Why do elephants have so big ears?
Image from Pixabay | Image by StockSnap

Elephant ears use for more than just releasing heat from the body. They use their ears as a giant fan. Have you ever seen an elephant having fun in mud or water? You must have noticed an elephant flapping its huge ears back and forth. This creates a light breeze which helps in cooling down the body. This process is the same as sitting in front of a fan after having a shower in cold water. An elephant can cool down their body temperature by up to 4 degrees Celsius (e.i.) or 9 degrees Fahrenheit with the help of its ears.

3. Don’t have more sweat glands

Elephants don’t have many sweat glands like humans and other animals, which gives them relief from the heat. Mr. Conley said elephants don’t have any sweat glands except the toenails on their feet. Their large ears help to cool down their body temperature. As they dwell in a hot climate, the release of heat from the body is thought to cause sweat, which may cause dehydration. This adaptation of the elephant is quite beneficial to them.

4. Helps them to hear long distance

The large floppy ears give them excellent hearing abilities. The ears of an African elephant allow them to hear up to 6 miles away from their current location. However, they can hear the calls of other elephants from 2.5 miles away.

5. Use their Ears to Communicate
Why do elephants have so big ears?
Image from Pixabay | Image by Nel Botha

An elephant’s ears use for communicating as well as hearing and staying cool. According to the researchers, like humans, an elephant uses body language techniques to communicate with other elephants and other animals. As a warning to those challenged by any other animal, or to express enthusiasm, they spread their ears fully to scare away potential dangers. They do this to assert their dominance and intimidate. It can also indicate that they are concentrating or listening.

This is how an elephant uses its enormous floppy ears, which are no less than a boon. What is your thought? Why do elephants have so big ears? Tell us in the comments section.

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